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Now we take the trail to the North Head Lighthouse.
Daffodils were blooming in several places.

One side of the trail had this pretty view of waves coming in.

And finally, there it is - the North Head Lighthouse

It's fenced off and the ground was a quagmire so we
didn't linger as the rain was getting pretty heavy by then.

A couple of miles south is the Cape Disappointment Lighthouse.  We
hemmed and hawed about whether to take the trail to the top as it was
marked 'challenging'.  But oh, what the heck - let's go. 

On the way up we passed a Coast Guard Station. 

Up and up and up we go, through mud and big
puddles, rocks, steps and even some paved parts.

That's a long way down!

'I think I can.  I think I can.  I hope I can....

At last - the Cape Disappointment Lighthouse. No
disappointment here - we were pleased to see it.

Across a channel is the Visitors' Center.

'Thumbs up!' says Tim  'We made it!'.

Surprisingly I made it too.  We were both totally soaked by now, so
back to Westport we went, driving through some fairly torrential rain.

Day 4
Time to pack up and go home.  We had lots of laughter in the rain, and
it was better than sitting at home staring at it out of the windows.
There were only 2 small disappointments.  There was no whale-watching
yet (date mistake on their website) and our very favorite restaurant had
closed but left their website online.  We sure made lots of memories.

We drove home with blue skies nearly all the way.  Go figure.

As we approached home it clouded over.
These two looked pretty fed up with  the worst winter ever.
It was nice to get away.

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