(from a t-shirt sent by my dear sister-in-law MJ)

Here are some of the dragonflies I've seen this year.  They seem later
than usual, and fewer in number.  Still gorgeous though...

A beautiful Darner waits patiently for his wings to dry.

Cardinal Meadowhawk

Blue Dasher

Aerial Attack - loads of reeds available but they want the same one.

Blue Dasher drying its wings.

Another Cardinal Meadowhawk

Dasher with nymph casings nearby.

Friends having a snooze near each other.

Skimmer getting ready for action

New to me.  Perhaps it's a White Faced Meadowhawk.
It also resembles a Ruby Meadowhawk but this is apparently not its range.

Common Whitetail drying her wings.

Female Common Whitetail hovering just above the water.

Adopting the Obelisk position to cool the abdomen.

Another female - a wing looks a bit worse for wear.

Damselfly on a Blackberry branch.

Bluets with reverse color markings on their abdomens.

What big green eyes you have!

Can you see me now?

Photo Index