We visited Juanita Bay Park today.

I spy with my little eye - fish!

Yippee, caught one! See it in my claws?

Ooops, I dropped it.  How mortifying!

Hooray, the lily pads are here at last.

Hey, these are slippery - how do I climb up on them?

Coming in for a landing!  Watch out below!

Open, says me.

Ma!  Dad!  Somebody!  Anybody!  I'm HUNGRY!

Oh hush!  You're embarrassing me!

Mr and Mrs Shoveler drool over the pondweed.

The Tiger Swallowtails are back!

Help!  I'm stuck and I can't get up!

I told him to wait until the lilies were bigger but oh no - he had to be Mr Big Shot!

I guess I'll just sit here for now.

Only lightweights on the pads right now.  Pass the word.

Lunch on the beach at O.O.Denny Park.
Sixty-five miles away, Mount Rainier watches over us.

Life is good.

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